Curso de Hidrología Urbana

This book make a revision of the different hydrological and hydraulic processes in urban areas. Updates and innovations in hydrology and hydraulics are showed in the book. Design criteria, methodologies and solutions for sewer systems issues are also included.

Hidrologia Urbana

Title : Curso de Hidrología Urbana
Authors : Manuel Gómez Valentín
ISBN : 978-84-612-1514-0
Price : 48.56 €
Edits : Distribuidora Alfambra de Papelería, S.L.
Distribution : Distribuidora Alfambra de Papelería, S.L.
c/. La Alfambra, 16 - 08034 Barcelona
Ph: 932 034 034 / Fax: 932 800 445