
The main objective is to cover the syllabus and to be a support for the students taking Hydraulics, which is a core course of the three degrees given by the Civil Engineering School.










Title : Hidràulica
Authors : Martí Sánchez–Juny, Ernest Bladé, Jerónimo Puertas
Collection : Aulapol 101
ISBN : 84-8301-821-7
Price : 21,80 €
Edits : Ediciones UPC
C/ Jordi Girona, 34 Edifici CH
08034 Barcelona
Ph 93 401 68 83
Fax 93 401 58 85
WEB: https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2099.3/36802
E-mail: edicions-upc@upc.es
Distribution : MIDAC Llibres SL
Ph 93 746 41 10 / Fax 93 746 41 11
E-mail: midac@retemail.es